Welcome to MIS Bintaro

MISB equips students with the skills and attitudes needed to be responsible and socially conscious members of society. Learn more about us!

Welcome to MISB Campus

⁠Sunny M. Reyes, B.S.Ed., M.A.Ed.

Senior Principal/Kepala Sekolah SPK

I want to extend to you and your family a very warm welcome to Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro. Each year will provide important transitions and the acquisition of new skills that will enhance each student’s ability to apply learning in many ways. MISB is committed to provide a challenging and rigorous curriculum that helps each student progress at a developmentally appropriate rate as it nurtures the students with an environmentally friendly and safe learning space, giving equal opportunities to students of all cultural backgrounds, religions and nationalities.

Indeed, we are not exempt from having our own struggles against COVID-19. Everyone in the community had to adapt to a new mode of providing services despite all the anxieties, fear of new schemes and being shaken by our being away from each other.  Through the disturbances in our routines, Mentarians have witnessed the profound dedication of MIS educators to ensure that student learning is not compromised regardless of the situation as well as to the courage of our non-teaching personnel who brave the travel to and from the school for, they understand that their efforts are crucial in sustaining the smooth conduct of institutional operations. We also saw how our students, of varying scholastic aptitudes emerge as better individuals by finding their own ways to resolve the challenges that confront them, may it be about school, home, or something else. 

I welcome everyone to another year of beautiful uncertainties. If there is any effect that we can reflect and anchor our hopes on amidst the pandemic, it is that COVID-19 has brought us together and together, we can bounce back, stronger and more resilient than ever to continue responding to our mission of teaching, caring for and inspiring the future generations of Indonesians as leaders and citizens of the world.


Katarina Nawan Hatiningsih, S.Pd., M.Si

School Principal of MISB Elementary

Kami, MISB Elementary, siap menerima putra putri Bapak Ibu untuk bergabung dengan program baru di tahun 2023/2024. Dengan keberagaman suku, budaya dan agama di MISB Elementary, kami mengedepankan sikap toleransi yang tinggi, membangun akhlak humanis yang selalu peduli dan memberikan inspirasi positif bagi orang lain. 

Pendidikan sosial, emosional dan pengetahuan menjadi pondasi yang kuat bagi pertumbuhan karakter anak. MISB Elementary menawarkan program pendidikan Character Building yang dikemas dalam bentuk pendekatan rasional emosional, seperti Self Body Safety, Puberty, Setting Goals, 7 habits, serta topik-topik lain yang menjadi bekal anak kita menuju kesuksesan. 

Mengapa membangun karakter itu penting? “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved” - Helen Keller. Hal ini juga sejalan dengan program Kemendikbud Ristek, yaitu penguatan karakter siswa dengan mengacu pada profil Pelajar Pancasila yakni perwujudan pelajar Indonesia sebagai pelajar sepanjang hayat yang memiliki kompetensi global dan berperilaku sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Pancasila. 

Selain program pengembangan karakter, MISB Elementary juga mengedepankan program ICT (Information and Communications Technology) yang terintegrasi. Kebutuhan mendesak bagi generasi muda kita adalah membangun kemampuan di bidang teknologi. “Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as add-on, an afterthought, or event” - Heidi Hayes Jacobs. ICT terintegrasi dengan berbagai mata pelajaran dan siswa diajak untuk menguasai teknologi yang diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari hari. 

Kami sangat senang menyambut kedatangan putra putri Bapak Ibu, berkembang dan bertumbuh bersama di rumah kami, di MISB Elementary. 

A school that is a home, a learning that never ends.

Over the years, our family members keep on growing

As our family members reach a new height every year, so is our support and affection to assist them in the journey of a lifetime. We welcome our new family with enthusiasm!

Programs offered

MISB offers a range of curriculum including national curriculum, cambridge and IB Diploma. The mixture of curriculum allows the students to experience a wide range of educational experiences.

Come and Join Our Family!

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