Preschool in a Pandemic: The Good and The Bad

Looking back at the beginning of the pandemic, there was intense fear, worry, anxiety, and stress going globally. Parents were one of the most affected during these times. Not only the financial uncertainty that hits their future but also of their little one’s education. Will they still be able to attend school? Is virtual learning a suitable fit for them, especially the increased hours of screen time?

One parent in Sunflower Preschool recalled the beginning of his 2-year-old son’s education:

“I dreamt of the day where my son would come to school for the first time. He would be greeted with a warm smile from his teacher and would enjoy the company of his classmates as they sing songs, recite nursery rhymes, play tag at the green school grounds, and have loads of fun. Unfortunately, these were not an option! Our first day of school was a shower, breakfast, dressing the kid, and walking to the first floor to see a computer and a table."

Such disappointment has been the same for the teachers, despite the hard work of caring for dozens of toddlers. The first day of school invariably ignites the passion of an educator. It is the ‘handover’ moment where they share responsibility with a parent and contribute to a child’s future. However, with online schooling, the feelings are different, but the challenge is set to the nth level.

Will the youngest children thrive in an online school? Will they learn from home? How about their social interaction? Is online learning even good for them?

Yes and no.

It is a bit depressing to look into the things we cannot do in this situation. Perhaps, for the first time in a while, it is time to see the glass half full.

The Covid-19 pandemic took the world by surprise. Globally everything has stopped. Homes turned into mini-offices and classroom nooks. Temporarily, we bade goodbye to those hectic mornings where we juggle various responsibilities and get caught in congested traffic. “Was I happy in the beginning? Not at all. Would I go back and change things? Probably not. This is the most quality time I have had with my family in years.”

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During this pandemic, if you look at it closely, virtual learning gives you a chance not to worry so much about your kid’s well-being. Lately, we see parents being happy at the smallest things their child does because for the first time in generations, parents can exactly see what their children are learning at school. And speaking from an educator’s perspective, there is no greater joy than seeing a child’s progress.

“When my child finally learns ABC, recognizes his friend on the screen, singing the nursery rhymes while showering, I was euphoric! I felt like he was in school. My apprehension that my son wouldn’t be learning by just sitting in front of the screen was wrong! Moreover, as a new parent, I don’t want to miss even the tiniest milestone my child achieves. And you know what, with online learning, I never miss a single thing.”

So there you have it.

This writer is not trying to convince you that we should be happy campers during this pandemic. However, this writer realized that there had been so many things that we took for granted all this time. We wanted a ‘holiday’; we got ourselves a year’s worth of it. We wanted more time with the children; we now have 24/7. When we have it, we grumble. When we don’t have it, we still complain.

The pandemic isn’t great, but it also brought us closer to the most important people of our lives, our family. Of course, we look forward to the day that things will be better. But meanwhile, while life gives us lemons, let us make a lemon pie!

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