Five Important Reasons Why Music Is a Must for Growing Children

by: Edward Elkimo Lavika

If you are reading this, you must be a parent who wants the best for your children. You want your children to be excellent, be productive, and happy in school. You have given a balanced diet for their meals, vitamin supplements, beautiful home, and even enlisted them in extra lessons. But do you know there is one thing that every parent must never forget? Yes, you are right. It is M-U-S-I-C! 

But why Music? When children were still in the womb, Moms and Dads sang to them even before birth. And when they are out, music and children seem to be a natural fit. Why is this so?

 Keep reading as you are an inch away from having mathematical, creative, and happy children!

  1. Music helps develop brainpower

Numerous studies have shown that the comprehension of musical language can benefit your child's overall mental development. According to a survey conducted by Florida National University, music helps stimulate the part of the brain involved with math, reading, and emotional development. It activates both the left and right sides of the brain simultaneously. Students who study music are more successful in conducting standardized tests and achieving higher school grades.

2. Music teaches children to focus and relieves stress

Music teaches young children to focus and relieves stress. Playing a particular instrument or learning how to play music in a class demands total attention and enhances the ability of your child to concentrate on tasks. Thus, music is a great stress-relieving activity that helps calm the mind and strengthen the ability to focus during tasks. 

Mr. Diego, the father of Ken Ademaro, MISB's second-grader who snatched Diamond Award-Piano Classic B in Indonesia's Online Music Festival 2021, a finalist at the Hongkong International Youth Performing Arts Festival this year, shared that exposing their son to music as early as 3 years old was one of the best decisions they have made in their lives as young parents. "Music not only taught Ken to focus on tasks given to him, but it also became a gateway for him to just chill and relax, especially from online learning." 

3. Music helps build social skills

"Children who participate in music develop higher social cohesion and understanding of themselves and others," says Dr. Alexandra Lamont, Lecturer in the Psychology of Music at the University of Keele.

 With the added mental benefits of brain development and increased ability to concentrate, music also helps your children improve their social skills. It develops the ability to relate with other people, how to work in a team, lead, discipline, and appreciate rewards and achievements more. Participating in musical activities such as choirs, bands or learning how to play music in a class can enhance teamwork skills. 

4. Music helps build self-confidence

In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, a significant benefit gained from learning how to play music for your children is the added self-confidence. If you notice that your children might be having issues with their self-confidence, then learning how to play music might be the perfect solution. When they realize that they can develop a skill on their own through playing music, they will have that extra confidence boost and added self-esteem. Improving their musical abilities and achieving their goals will leave your children with self-satisfaction and additional self-esteem. As time passes and your child continues to improve over time, that feeling of self-confidence will only increase over time as well. 

5. Music is fun

Last but not least, music can give children a way to express themselves, unleash their creativity, relax, and bring fun. The feeling of pride and accomplishment felt when learning how to play an instrument or learning a new song is a great feeling that will bring joy to your children.


So how do we simply add music into our children's daily lives? Try doing any of these:

  1. Take your children to a concert

  2. Sing bedtime stories to your children

  3. Get at-home karaoke equipment

  4. Dance with your children

  5. Play music in the car


In conclusion, music is an essential part of a child's development. It has countless benefits and changes them positively. You wouldn't want to miss out on the enjoyment and benefits of music! Therefore, do not forget to turn on the radio during your long road trips with your children. 


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